Friday, January 30, 2009

Political Compass Test

For English 201, I had to take a test online to see where I stand on my political views. It showed that I am a Leftist Libertarian. On the graph, I was about a quarter to the left and a quarter down. This means I value the individual over the state, instead of the authoritarian leftists who value the state over the people. The people that this site calls neo-conservatives generally support high military spending and greater control by the government over the people. I was not surprised that I was a leftist libertarian. I have very strong beliefs about the freedom to live life and make choices, and I am pro-choice and support gay rights very much. I don't know much about politics, but I do not believe that the government is always right, or that we should follow it unconditionally. It pleased me a great deal to see that I was in the same category as Gandhi, who is one of my heroes. In regards to the values of our nation, I tend to value more those on the libertarian side. I value freedom over control, and subsistance over wealth. I do not think conformity is necessarily a good thing, and I value my family more than the state. Friendship and individuality are more important than tolerance and collectivity. However, I do have an authoritarian opinion on security. I value security more than anarchy. The test questions are specifically designed to see where you stand on your political and social views. It asks fundamental right/left and authoritarian/libertarian questions in order to see which side you lean more towards. I did not know much about politics before I took this test, but I believe that my results are as accurate as any test of this nature can be. The questions are very well thought-out ones, and I highly reccommend everyone to go take this test if you're interested. You can take it at

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blog Analysis #1: Before the Sun Sets

The implied thesis as I saw it is that through believing in yourself and appreciating what you have, you can achieve great friendships and leave something very memorable in your wake as you age.

The blog "Before the Sun Sets" is a very well written one, and it is written mostly in the style of a story. The writer, known on the site as Julehya, is a ninety year old woman from the Philippines. Her blog is a chronicle of her life, spanning from her childhood to the present. Clearly, her writings tell of a time long past, but some truths she has to tell still ring true today. Julehya grew up in the Philippines where missionaries were frequent visitors. She moved to the city from the mountains, and had to adjust to a totally new lifestyle there. She attended a school funded by missionaries, and she worked in a convent for the nuns in the summertime (Juleyha). She does not write much concerning the political perspectives of that time, but she does reveal some things in the way of religion and social attitudes. Though she was in school around eighty years ago, it seems that the attitudes of grade school children were similar to when I was a child. Growing up, neither Julehya nor I had very much money. Therefore, we wore hand-me-down clothes and were picked on at school for it.
The main theme in Juleyha's blog seems to be friendship. In the beginning, she was nervous about making friends. As time passed, she came to make friends and spent a great deal of time laughing with them. In this way, we are very similar. However, since we come from different times and different cultures, we have many differences as well. She speaks of different social classes in her childhood, and of how they were treated in different ways. Today in America this is true to an extent, but not to the extreme that it was in the Philippines in the early 20th century.
Juleyha writes her posts like a storyteller, with the quality you would see in a novel. She describes people and places in great detail, including herself and her emotional responses to these people, places, and even events. The only reason there would be to doubt her truthfulness is that her writing is of such high quality and it is so interesting. I do not believe that she is not telling the truth. She just wants people to hear the story of her life.
The writer's stated purpose for the blog is telling her life story to anyone who wishes to hear it. I believe she wants people to remember her culture and the lessons she has learned throughout her life. She wants her grandchildren to have something to look back on and learn something about her and their heritage. She wishes to pass on the wisdom she has gained through experience from friends and family during her ninety years on Earth. The words of her father, "hate warps your being," (Julehya) stayed with her through her life, and allowed her to live a full life and make good friends.
The writer communicates her childhood so effectively and even uses pictures of her own to show the topics she is talking about and how they have changed. The way she describes her feelings on subjects are so detailed and well expressed that she gives a definite sense of honesty in her writing. The intended audience seems to be people interested in reading about the life of an ordinary girl 75 years ago, and also her descendants. I believe that this blog is very well written, and relates to young women and the friendships they make in their childhood. Friendship lasts a long time, and even people who are very different can be the best of friends. When you are gone, make sure you leave behind a legacy that can help people to learn and grow.

You can visit Juleyha's blog at

Please comment and answer the following questions about my writing:

1. Do you get lost in the reading due to gaps or poor explanation? Do I need to elaborate more on a specific subject? If so, where are these inconsistencies located?

2. Is the voice I have used in my writing appropriate for the information I am conveying? Is my mood appropriate in relation to the subject matter?

3. Is there too much detail on a trivial subject in this post? If so, where should I revise to omit uneeded details?

Any additional comments and opinions would be highly appreciated. Thank you so much for your help!

Go Easy on Me, OK?

My name is Jessica, and I am a freshman at the University of Southern Indiana. I love to read (especially Harry Potter), listen to and play music, and just have fun. I am a pretty good at playing instruments. I play the piano, vibraphone, marimba, euphonium, a little bit of drums, and guitar. I attended Mt. Vernon Senior High School, and I was a proud member of the Marching Band. I am engaged to a sophomore here at USI, and his name is Sky. We are getting married in May 2010, and he is the most important thing in my life. I also enjoy making videos and creating things, and I mean anything, such as silly stories, drawings, songs, and even dances. I really like to play badminton, which is pretty much the only sport I'm good at. I'm a biology major, and I want to be a zookeeper at Mesker Park Zoo after I graduate. I have 21 pets total: 3 cats, 2 dogs, 6 degus, and 12 chinchillas. My chinchillas and degus are my pride and joy, and I love them. Watching them bounce off the walls around the house is one of the funnest things I can think of.

For my English 201 class, I have been asked to create a blog. I will be posting my assignments, which will include analyses of readings and who knows what else! This is a blog created so that I can post analyses of other peoples' blogs! This is my first attempt at a blog, so please be gentle. Please offer only constructive criticism, and no flaming. I hope you all enjoy my first blogging experience!