Friday, January 30, 2009

Political Compass Test

For English 201, I had to take a test online to see where I stand on my political views. It showed that I am a Leftist Libertarian. On the graph, I was about a quarter to the left and a quarter down. This means I value the individual over the state, instead of the authoritarian leftists who value the state over the people. The people that this site calls neo-conservatives generally support high military spending and greater control by the government over the people. I was not surprised that I was a leftist libertarian. I have very strong beliefs about the freedom to live life and make choices, and I am pro-choice and support gay rights very much. I don't know much about politics, but I do not believe that the government is always right, or that we should follow it unconditionally. It pleased me a great deal to see that I was in the same category as Gandhi, who is one of my heroes. In regards to the values of our nation, I tend to value more those on the libertarian side. I value freedom over control, and subsistance over wealth. I do not think conformity is necessarily a good thing, and I value my family more than the state. Friendship and individuality are more important than tolerance and collectivity. However, I do have an authoritarian opinion on security. I value security more than anarchy. The test questions are specifically designed to see where you stand on your political and social views. It asks fundamental right/left and authoritarian/libertarian questions in order to see which side you lean more towards. I did not know much about politics before I took this test, but I believe that my results are as accurate as any test of this nature can be. The questions are very well thought-out ones, and I highly reccommend everyone to go take this test if you're interested. You can take it at

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